We sing and listen to a lot of music at Epiclesis– it’s one of the main vehicles that carries our liturgy. Here’s a listing of some of our favorites with links to listen on Youtube. You can purchase individual titles, or collections, on iTunes, or find your favorites on Spotify and other music services. Epiclesis does not claim copyright ownership to any of this material.

Many of the things we use in worship are composed by our very own Pastor of Worship and Liturgy, Dr. Ellen Koehler. The links to her music take you to her wonderful website, “Clerestory Notes,” where you can listen. (Once on her site, clicking the picture on the left will start the video recording)

The content here has been requested by our members, and you can make a suggestion, too. Do you have a worship favorite to add to the list? Just let us know!

Epiclesis Worship Favorites

God and Man at Table are Sat Down (Robert Stamps, produced Travis Cottrell)

I Will Listen (Twila Paris, from the CD “Where I Stand”)

Is He Worthy? (Peterson and Shive)

King of Wisdom and Light (David Kauffman, from the CD “Intimate Worship”)

Knowing You (Graham Kendrick)

The Lord’s Prayer (Ellen Koehler)

The Lord’s Prayer (Eric Wyse) (And a YouTube vid of the embodied prayer gestures that go along with it).

Make My Heart Your Dwelling Place (Jim Cowan)

Our Father in Heaven (The Lord’s Prayer) (Alford/Koehler) (no recording yet)

Rejoice, the Lord is King (Ellen Koehler) (no recording yet)

Send Out Your Light (Ellen Koehler)

Sing to the Lord (Julie Myer, from the CD “Simply Beautiful”)

Trust and Obey (Towner, Sammis, Mauldin)