Sunday Worship Location

Sunday Worship

This page is for general information about our location and contact information. If you came here looking for Zoom links or other live events, please visit our Virtual Worship, Gatherings, & Meetings Page.

We are a non-denominational, evangelical, Christian church. We worship on Sundays at 10:30 AM in the chapel on the campus of the Carmichael Seventh Day Adventist Church (from whom we rent space). Here’s the address:

The Carmichael Chapel
4600 Winding Way
(Corner of Winding Way & Pasadena)
Sacramento, CA 95841-4540

Handy Note: Find the closest, most convenient parking on the Winding Way (Northeast) side of the building. See you this Sunday!

Chapter House

Our Epiclesis “Chapter House” in Old Fair Oaks Village is where we keep offices and have space for small gatherings and ministry through the week.

The address:

The Epiclesis Chapter House
7985 Park Drive
Fair Oaks, CA 95628