We are an evangelical, Christian church that believes that the road to the future runs through the past.

And that’s part of what “Ancient-Future” means: Our worship and spirituality are deeply rooted in classic Christianity– and we’re convinced that the faith and practice of the ancient Church will engage our culture more effectively and provide a way forward in a time of almost unbelievable transition and change.

We want you to know that we’re not really a traditional church, or a contemporary church, as most folks define them. Though we are a non-denominational church, we like to think of ourselves as a pre-denominational. We are evangelical, meaning that we love Jesus, and believe the Bible, and we want others to know about God’s wonderful story and their place in it. We also consider ourselves orthodox, in that we hold to the true, historic, “Christian faith which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.” It’s also fair to describe us as charismatic, meaning that we believe that the biblically-described gifts of the Holy Spirit have not ceased.

Vision Statement:

In line with Scripture, creed, and tradition, it is our deepest desire to embody God’s purposes in the mission of the Church through our theological reflection, our worship, our spirituality, and our life in the world, all the while proclaiming that Jesus is Lord over all creation.

(From "The Call to an Ancient-Evangelical Future," Epilogue, available from The Ancient-Future Faith Network).

As an Ancient-Future Faith community, we want to live out a mission that’s both anciently-rooted and forward-looking. How does that work? Well, part of that mission includes caring about your spiritual formation and growth. Our calling is to deepen and enrich the worship life of believers and to make strong and sturdy disciples. So, you can find members of Epiclesis at worship on Sundays, gathering for prayer and study through the week, and, just as important, ministering to people and walking out their baptisms in our very own community every day.

A couple of other resources here on our website that might be helpful to you are the “Note from the Pastor” or, perhaps, the link on Worship. But the very best thing would be for you to come worship with us in person. What we’d really love to do is discover how God brought you to us and for us to learn together what your part in His story might be.