Without doubt, the highest ranking item on our website in terms of popularity (upwards of 100,00 clicks), this lengthy but much-viewed article has been a help to many. Pastor Chris gets calls (“often out of the blue,” he says) from hurting folks from far-flung places asking for counselling and help on how to deal with this form of spiritual abuse. “Some years ago, I came face to face with this pernicious spirit,” Chris says, “and a colleague and I had to get educated very quickly on what we were dealing with. I think the challenge is three-fold: to try and identify key behaviors but keep an open mind; not to ‘diagnose’ too quickly and become proud; and learn to see where the destructive behaviors might be at work in you, too.”

Originally published by Power2Serve Resources, Lumsden, SK, Canada (which now appears no longer to be a viable ministry), this material has also appeared, in part or in full, on other various online, electronic resources including “The Church Law Campaign.” It is offered here as a ministry to others, in full, and with only slight formatting and grammatical edits.

Epiclesis does not claim copyright ownership of this material, nor do we claim to have clinical expertise in this area. Text notes refer to a bibliography at the bottom of the article. Click on the following link below to read or download the article: Narcissism in the Pulpit.